(Englischer Beitrag)
Dear Friends of KAMBUZUMA
‘We rise by lifting up others’
– Robert Ingerson
As we come to the end of 2022 we reflect on the events of the year with gratitude and fortitude. This is the first full year we have “conquered” without our centre mother Orpah, we believe that she would be proud of the achievements we had this year as we continue to draw strength from the great example and legacy she left. Dear friends allow me to take you on a journey of how our year has been at Kambuzuma drop in centre. My hope is that each of you feel appreciated for the work that you do that keeps the centre running. You are the proverbial “boiler rooms” that keeps the steam engine (in our case the drop-in-centre) centre running.
Centre Updates
This year was the first post Covid 19 year that we were able to return to the usual way in which we conduct business. The timeous funds that we received from the Verein from you our friends ensured that we would work without any hiccups and delays at the centre.

The Kambuzuma staff that filled in the gap that was left by Orpah has remained in place and will continue in 2023. In 2022 we conducted a staff empowerment and improvement that saw one of our staff members attend training through Child Protection Services and the other through the University of Zimbabwe Social Services. This training was necessary as it provided them with the necessary skills and confidence to work with children as well as credibility with the Clinics and others support organizations in the district. Madonna has graduated with her certificate in Social Work specializing in Child care and Orphan Support.

Guardian Interaction
Guardian Interaction at the centre has become one of our key monthly activities. Apart from meeting the guardians in the respective homes, We also conduct guardian interaction day once a month were we meet guardians and listen to their concerns and also give them an opportunity to meet and discuss parenting/fostering among themselves and we agree on how to address challenges and successes that they meet in their parenting journey.
Peer education
Part of our success as Kambuzuma drop-in-centre is having supported children including two who have completed tertiary education and three who are currently in tertiary institutions. These older children serve as inspiration and regularly come to assist at the centre over the weekend and during their holidays. This method of paying it forward helps to groom future leaders who are socially and economically responsible. Seeing these children interact and inspire the younger children at the centre is very encouraging. We also have students doing A level at other schools coming in with their interact club to visit our children interact with them and inspire them.

In May of this year, the renovations at the centre were completed. A new room was added where we can store our tools, we now have a game room. Now that we have solar, our children can work indoors on rainy, cloudy or cold days without disturbances. These renovations has also allowed us to have a day where we can put on an educational film or entertainment for the children to bring diversification in entertainment.

We managed to pay school fees for 40 children this year as well as buying uniforms and stationary for all the children. We have first-handed seen how children thrive in education when their school fees is paid and they have school uniforms and all they have to worry about is doing well in School. Three of our children were chosen as school prefects at their school, we are super proud of them.
Meals and food
This year Kambuzuma drop-in-centre consistently managed to feed 80 children twice a day and provide food packs for families who were most vulnerable amongst the children at the centre. Poverty and lack of employment means desperate times to more and more of the communities and often the extended families who look after our children are in such a dire state that the food packs provide relief for their families. National food has still provided mealie meal for us however due to the drought the supply was erratic and we had to supplement the shortage buy purchasing our own mealie meal.
Garden and other activities
One of the core skills that the children at the centre learn is how to grow their own food and to learn to eat nutritious meals. In 2023, we are stepping up our activities to include training in mushroom farming. Training our children to not only eat well but also have a skill that can enable them to generate an income. So for 2023 watch out for this space we will be sharing updates on the mushroom projects.

Annual Trip
This year we managed to go to Chivero with 40 children. Our children always look forward to these trips. The trip allows our children to dream bigger than what they experience back home, aspire for greatness and for those four days and three nights allow them to enjoy the feel of clean sheets, the luxury of sleeping in a bed and the comfort of feeling like a child without extra chores thrust on them. One of our friends Bernward Geire is passionate about this annual trip. Thank you for making it happen.

Our year was a good year with very little hiccups, no illness and incidents. I can safely say the new staff has managed to stir the ship to safety in turbulent times. They could not have done it without your support and you always checking up on us.
Thank you for all your assistance, wishing you wealth, health and peace. Please continue to support us. It means a lot to us.
With warm regards,
Shamiso Mungwashu